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Didn't like physics in school?

We'll change it for good!

We are born with inquisitive minds. We want to know why things happen this way and not another. Why can we see through the glass but can't hear? Why does the apple fall from the tree, but the Moon stays in the sky? What changes nights into days and winters into summers? We want to get to the core of everything, learn why the sky is blue, the rainbow full of colors, and what lies over the rainbow, above the sky, and at the final frontiers of our Universe. And if you're also looking for the answers, you're on the right page. Because physics is the oldest and most advanced branch of science, dedicated to solving the natural world's mysteries. Born out of our insatiable drive for knowledge, this branch of science encompasses all the other scientific disciplines, holding the key to the origins of our Universe and the meaning of our existence. But then we would say that. We're mad about physics! 


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Science never sleeps. Right now, someone on the globe is working on the next project, opening new horizons and raising us to new heights. Advances in physics over the last century were astonishing; they transformed our lives. Unfortunately, the articles about them are often written in a language inaccessible to the general public. And the truth gets lost in scientific jargon. We want to put a stop to it. At Physics Core, we believe the laws of the Universe are simple. That is why it runs so smoothly. If you get to the core of the universal structure, you get a clear view of how things work. And clear vision needs no obscure terminology. We explain everything in plain English, from classical physics to relativity and quantum mechanics. No gobbledygook. 


Science has no easy ways. Nothing has been handed to us on a silver platter. Behind every breakthrough lies a road paved with trials and errors, false starts and detours, sweat and tears. The history of scientific progress is a testament to our perseverance in searching for the ultimate truth. Rewards are high. We add new natural laws to our collection, which signify new milestones in our development. These laws will stay with us forever, bringing immortality to those who derived them. They won't change over time; the Universe was born and will die with them. We will pass them on to the new generations so they can continue our legacy.

At Physics Core, we believe our treasured collection has hidden depths waiting to be uncovered. The bigger picture is better seen from a distance. A fresh look at the old concepts in light of new developments can only enhance our understanding of the world. We believe that human intelligence, born and bred in this Universe, follows the same logical principles that lie behind the universal laws. That is why we can identify patterns of causality, analyze them, and arrange them into the systematic laws of nature. Therefore, the phisical concepts contradicting the basic rules of logic should be reconsidered and updated. Nature is rational and consistent. Truth doesn't create paradoxes. It solves them. We'll share our findings with you.















​As Earth dwellers, we find it hard to comprehend how vast and diverse the cosmos is. Yet, everywhere around us, over the rainbow, above the sky, or at the final frontiers of the Universe, the laws of nature are the same, making it possible for us to conduct research, make predictions, and find supporting evidence. We may encounter some big surprises that blow our minds. Still, we find solutions using the same principles we used on Earth, reaching new milestones and growing our treasured collection. We are a part of the great cosmic community. We share common DNA and a common sense of reason. The Universe is our habitat, and we hold the key. Know the place you live in. Learn physics with us.


Gas Giant Exoplanet and Spiral Galaxy NGC, 1566. Illustrations.  Source: NASA

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